Oct 29, 2012

Vexith Gaming - Kydoran

Another one of the series of races I'm creating for Vexith Gaming, this is a Kydoran, the idea is very similar to the kobolds of other RPGs, kind of like kenders in Dragonlance.

I've been plugging this for a while now but there are only 14 days left to the Monster Miniatures Kickstarter by Inkwell Ideas. So if you're interested head there and contribute to the project.


Oct 24, 2012

Vexith Gaming - Gremlin

I don't get much chances to work on just a character lately, so this was a nice change, I always consider challenging doing this, but I think it turned out pretty well.

By the way, while we're on the subject of monsters, check out Inkwell Ideas' kickstarter, if you have small press and are looking for monster stock art it's a very good chance.


Oct 17, 2012

Dark Corridor

Another illustration for Vexith Gaming, this is another one of my experiments with acrylics, I think I'm getting the hang of it more and more, still, I had to fix a lot of things digitally for this illustration, yeah, I'm still learning.


Oct 11, 2012

Elf Sorceress

Recent drawing for an RPG, this character is part of a bigger illustration, but I really liked how it turned out, so here it is in all its glory.


Oct 10, 2012

Inkwell Ideas Kickstarter

Last month I was approached by Inkwell Ideas in order to create an illustration for a kickstarter, the idea was to create a Naga as a preview of the artwork that'll be offered in the project.

The kickstarter was launched today so now I can share the illustration with you.

I'm also very happy to be working with a couple of friends, Bruno Balixa and Ryan Sumo.

Head over to the kickstarter page to see more examples from these and other artist, and pledge some money if you're interested.


Oct 5, 2012

L5R - Lion Scouts

I might change the title since I don't know the name of the card yet

I made this illustration around July this year, I think it was among the best of the set, so I was pretty happy to see that it was spoiled yesterday on AEG's website.


Oct 1, 2012

D&D Art Test

It's been a couple of months since the Art Order D&D Art Test challenge, I was very busy at the time and I wasn't able to participate, I had my reference ready, the thumbnails, and some studies of the orc that I was going to do, so basically I had everything ready.

I liked the idea I had so even if there's no challenge I think the illustration could make a nice portfolio piece.

Here's the color rough I've been working on digitally, I'll make the final with acrylics again.

Thanks to Rk Post for the critique and of course Joyce is always there to help me.

Any input is welcome!
